Tim Waurick
About Tim
Music has been a big part of my life since the age of 4. I started singing barbershop in 1993. I sing tenor in the 2006 International Champion Quartet, Vocal Spectrum and served for 15 years as the tenor section leader for the four-time International Chorus Champions, the Ambassadors of Harmony. In May of 2007, I graduated from Lindenwood University with a Bachelor of Arts in Music Education.
Over the years, I have had the privilege of working and learning from many barbershop greats. I've been honored to perform as a "sub" for many great quartets, including Keepsake, Power Play, Realtime, OC Times, Crossroads, Musical Island Boys, After Hours, Men In Black, Gimme Four, and Midtown!
In 2008, I was honored to be voted the "fantasy tenor" in the Westminster Chorus "fantasy quartet contest". As a result, I participated in the "Fantasy Quartet" consisting of Joe Connelly (lead), Tony DeRosa (baritone) and Jeff Oxley (bass)... what a thrill that was for me! In 2015, the Barbershop Harmony Society also hosted a fantasy quartet contest, where I was honored to be featured as well. This time, alongside Mike Slamka (lead), Jim Henry (bass) and Tony DeRosa (baritone).
It has truly been a blessing for me to work with so many wonderful people. I hope that I will have the opportunity to work with your group as well.
Thanks for taking the time to check out my website!!

About TimTracks
I started recording learning tracks in 2002 and began making it a full time venture after I graduated in 2007. I've been blessed to record learning tracks for many International Champion and Medalist Quartets (BHS/SAI), as well as nearly every every chorus who has ever won the BHS International Chorus Championship!! I have produced learning tracks for fantastic organizations such as Barbershop Harmony Society, the Association of International Champions (AIC), the Coronet Club (Association of International Quartet Champions of Sweet Adelines International), and the Hal Leonard Publishing Company. I have had the privilege of recording learning tracks for many other phenomenal groups throughout the United States, Canada, England, Sweden, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Spain, Holland, Finland, Russia, and Africa!!
I approach my recordings as an artist, not a learning track provider or a factory. I work incredibly hard to provide you with the absolute best product that I can. I believe that learning tracks should provide an accurate, yet natural example for singers. Learning tracks should be entertaining and fun to listen to. Learning tracks should provide accessible and healthy vocal technique. They should have artistry to give you the best starting point possible, but not be overly interpreted or stylized so that performers can still make it their own. Learning tracks are not a substitute for sight reading, they are an enhancement to it. As time goes by, I will continue to provide you with the best balance of accurate, yet natural vocals that incorporate a healthy vocal production and artistry that provide your group with an entertaining, yet educational launching pad to make wonderful music!

- Vocal Spectrum
2006 International Champions - Ambassadors of Harmony
Four-time International Chorus Champions - East Coast Sound Chorus
M-AD Northern Division Chorus Champions - Sounds of Aloha Chorus
Honolulu, HI
Favorite Artists
- David Phelps
- John Mayer
- Ben Rector
- Darlene Edwards
Favorite Quartets
- The Gas House Gang
- Keepsake
- Suntones